
Adri's Palette



Sails for a tiny ship

Let me ask you something. Does a cork-shark's bite hurt? I think most of us have very specific likes and dislikes in our lives. What we like to eat, what we like to listen to, our favorite walks. And then... Continue Reading →

One and a half mice

I've wanted to share this story with you for so(ooo) long. For six months to be precise. Yes, since Christmas. Now I don't know exactly what took me so long. I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and the... Continue Reading →

Padstow harbor and three ships

Cornwall has been a subject of quite a few of my pieces. It is one of those magical places that I wish to visit once. A place where the Mediterranean colors, warmth jump at you and wildly wrap you in... Continue Reading →

Acrylic gels… and no, this is not a post about nailpolish

While looking for inspiration and doing some research for a new set of paintings I'll be doing I  came across this concept of acrylic gel mediums. I kept looking at the pictures, the result, and was mesmerized to see how... Continue Reading →

Signing up for a good cause

One of my hometown's local civil organizations, TESZ asked me to help with one of their campaigns. They asked me to create a sign, poster for their annual food drive. I was provided with the paper, the final dimensions and...... Continue Reading →

Birdhouse update – Roof damage

The mornings are crisp. Fallen leaves are rustling under my feet and the air smells of rotting, decomposing nature. As the bottom of the sky reddens with the sunset I draw the curtains, snuggle up to a good cup of... Continue Reading →

Is it a Skip or a Quack?

Last Friday my Dad showed up unexpected and asked if I could do him a tiny bit of a favor. He asked if I could draw him a little sign for a charity event he would host the next day.... Continue Reading →

Creative block and scruff shaking

Just like writer's block will hit any journalist or novelist, so thus creation block hit a painter or the crafty one. When the before mentioned activity is an integral part of how you make your living you are in trouble.... Continue Reading →

Wishing for sunshine… and a ship

I don't know about you, but I am convinced people either like hot or cold weather. I am definitely one for sunshine and warm breezes. So when it was -18°C/-0.5°F this weekend (yes, you are reading correctly and no, this... Continue Reading →

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