
Adri's Palette


tai chi

The 77 day challenge – weighing in

I read an article by Melanie Stefan the other day that proposed a radical idea, to make a CV of our failures. The publication argued that making such a document would bring to light that not all paths are black... Continue Reading →

The 77 day challenge

There is a saying that old habits die hard. And its related myth, that all it takes is 21 days to shake it off. Well, I got more than three decades of experience to underline the first and undermine the... Continue Reading →

My Camino

My trip down south to the lake shore was not all about sightseeing and relaxing. It had a more important, more personal role for me. I wanted this trip to be the beginning (and sort of test drive, if you... Continue Reading →

Winter brake

These past few weeks have been draining. Lots of things happened in my private and professional life that made me feel tired and run down. And yet it never occurred to me to take a break. If cars need regular... Continue Reading →

To resolve or not to resolve…

The end of the year seems to be the time for resolutions. We look back and assess our year. We contemplate what we planned versus what we have achieved. Some will be smiling and putting little check marks next to... Continue Reading →

Taking it slow

I don't particularly like deadlines. One of my strategies to avoid the stress that comes with them is simple: I don't leave the task for the last minute. As sporadic as the internet service was over the last couple of... Continue Reading →

This ain’t no monkey business

Hats off to all graphic designers out there! Coming up with creative ideas on a subject that is given to you and is not your own is not easy. But you know what I said, I wanted a challenge. So... Continue Reading →

Look out, the monkey’s coming!

By now I think you know me well enough to know that I love challenges. As one of my professors once put it, I perform my best when I am put under pressure. So I decided to put myself under... Continue Reading →

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