
Adri's Palette


colored pencil

Try this instead of an advent calendar this year

Advent calendars. Hmmmmm. So nice, so shiny. So expensive! It is that wonderful idea of consumerism which combines award winning and fan favorite of those 24 things that you really don't need in your life. Putting sarcasm aside for just... Continue Reading →

Tips to make a papier-mache hot air balloon

Each year I surprise Mr.AP with a hand crafted gift for Christmas. Judging from his reaction, the way his eyes sparkle and become all moist when he opens them, I believe these are the ones he treasures the most. I've... Continue Reading →

Good Goat!

This goat obsession of mine is getting out of hand. It has descended on me howling like a pack of wolves. Whenever I take out my sketchpad I feel my nerves on edge, my heart pounding to the rhythm of... Continue Reading →


Acronyms are part of our lives. Our fast-paced lives. Before you realize it a dozen fly by you with a thundering bang! bang! like the bullets of an MK47. Sometimes I get them and will happily use them. But more... Continue Reading →

Family portrait

Looking at my work I realize that everything seems is quite serious and formal. My paintings, my drawings are all proper. The only place I go out of that comfort zone (?) and let out my humor is in real... Continue Reading →

Dreaming strange dreams

Lately I've been having these strange dreams. I dream with dead birds. Vividly colorful dead birds that lie stiff on the ground, on the table or in closets. What surrounds them moves, ebbs, but they remain still. Most of the... Continue Reading →

Seasons greetings and a bear hug

Last Christmas was the first in many years when we sent greeting cards to our friends and family. It was a mixture of the postal service not working properly, me taking an offense at them and generally being too stubborn... Continue Reading →

Christmas gift ideas – for the techie one

Each year we sort of sit down with Mr. AP before Christmas and decide if we want to be involved in the selection of our Christmas gift or not. Usually both of us prefer to be surprised. This year, however... Continue Reading →

A guarded whisper

I don't know about you, but when I look at an artwork that depicts people I always have this eerie feeling that the person in the painting will come to life. I have this vision of the figure turning around,... Continue Reading →

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